
Wrinkles & Folds

Facial wrinkles and folds are the clearest blemish that comes with aging. The main cause is the degeneration of cells, the reduced production of collagen fibers and elastin, exposure to various toxins ( free radicals, carbon monoxide, cigarette smoke, sunlight ), an unbalanced diet, and stress. These factors may also cause wrinkles to occur prematurely. It is best to be aware of these causes at a young age as a preventative measure.

The best ways to treat wrinkles & folds is to avoid the factors that causing premature aging. Smoking cigarettes causes free radicals which damages collagen, causes rapid weight lost, and sagging skin. Stress can cause wrinkles in the forehead and between the eyebrows. Furthermore sunlight is a key contributing factor that damages collagen in the skin. So it is important to apply sunscreen which has SPF > 30, exercising regularly, having a well balanced diet, and consuming anti-oxidants(vitamin C, vitamin E, Astrazantin and glutathione) which reduces free radicals.

Another way is to revive and maintain skin cells to boost the production of collagen with Kedi Revital Serum, Kedi Eye Rejuvenate or innovative medical as Kedi-Ultherapy Lift, Botulinum Toxin Injection, FillerKedi-SmoothKedi-LiftKedi-LuminousKedi-BrightKedi-ExtrawhiteKedi-OxyjetKedi-DiamondWaking Bright Golden MaskGentle Revitalized Peel. Its is vital to be in the care of an expert dermatologist to receive the correct and proper treatment.

Melasma & Freckles

Spots (Melasma) is cause by an increase in the number of pigments in the skin when it is exposed to sunlight. Melasma is more commonly found in middle age women. It is caused by several factors including  sunlight, hormones (pregnancy hormones, contraceptive pills, or hormone replacement therapy), and oral drugs that cause sensitivity to light (anticonvulsant medication, cosmetic allergies, genetics and stress). These factors can stimulate the skin causing well defined brown spots. These usually occurs on the upper lip, chin, cheeks, forehead, nose, above the eyebrows, neck, arms, or an area exposed to the sun. Spots occurs slowly and often on both sides of the face. Melasma can be categorized into three types: shallow, deep, or the combination of the two.

Freckles are usually flat brown spots with a size of 1-5mm occurring on the face and skin that is exposed to the sun caused by excessive production of melanin. It is commonly found in children and adolescents with a pale complexion. Freckles are genetic and becomes more pronounced with exposure to sunlight, they also fade with less exposure.

Treatment of melasma and freckles.
Melasma are not easily cured and often reoccur. Treatment depends on the cause and the specific type of one has. In cases that are caused by contraceptive or anticonvulsant drugs, the effects can abate slowly when the drugs treatments cease. The same applies for cases that occur because of pregnancy. In some cases the spots simply fades, but do not disappear because of other factors. Deep types are generally harder to cure than shallow types.

Currently there are several ways to eliminate melasma and freckles. Such as limiting the causes and stimulating factors, avoiding excess exposure to sunlight ( such as during the hours of 10am to 2pm ), exposure to extreme heat. It is recommended that you use sunscreen with an SPF > 30 and protects both UVA and UVB rays. This eliminates the over production of pigments caused by exposure to sunlight. Which is a key factor in curing and reducing the chances of a reoccurrence of the problem.

Kediglow has technology that can specifically treat melasma and freckles with Kedi-BrightKedi-ExtrawhiteKedi-OxyjetKedi-DiamondWaking Bright Golden MaskExtra Brightening Mask and Gentle Revitalized Peel. Our treatments will leave you with bright and clear.

Body & Contour

In the present, an unsatisfied body shape is often caused by fast food and busy everyday life. This is caused by the localized formation of fat. The best ways to reduce fat naturally and have a proportional body is to have balanced diet and exercise regularly. Certain genetical limitations can make natural weight lost difficult.

Say goodbye to cellulite and orange peel skin painlessly, safely, effectively, and no discomfort with Kedi-Lipofocus & Kedi-Contour. Both these treatments have a instant recovery time. Kedi-Lipofocus is an advance technique certified by the USFDA. This treatment accelerates burning fat(lipolysis) and reduces cellulite effectively. It also combines 4 technologies into 1 ( Radiofrequency, Infrared, Suction and Rollers ) to help reduce cellulite, reduce deep fat effectively, increase the flow of blood and reduced laxity. As a result, the skin looks smoother, healthier, firmer, and the results can be seen upon the first treatment. After regular treatments (4-5 sessions) one can expect significant reduction of over 6 centimeters in the abdomen circumference and a 2 centimeters reduction in the thigh circumference. Kedi-Body Tite & Kedi-Contour are an innovative technology that combines radiofrequency heating and vacuum massage. The treatment uses heat that targets fat cells and breaks down the fat molecules sparing the upper layer of skin while eliminating the waste through the body’s natural drainage system.


Acne (Acne vulgaris) is a disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. It is most commonly found in teens and early adults. With both inflammatory and non-inflammatory varieties. The common areas are the face, chest and back. Several common causes are heredity, hormones, smoking, dietary nuts, cola, milk, cheese, and fried foods. Acne occurs when there is an obstruction of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. This obstruction causes comedones to form and then causes the acne to become inflamed by the bacteria P. acnes resulting in coarse face.

The best way to treat acne is cleaning the surface. Do not attempt to squeeze the pimple because this will cause further inflammation. It is best to avoid common factors that trigger acne. In severe cases where acne persist it is best to consult a dermatologist for proper treatment. These treatments may be  topical or oral treatments which allow us to better control acne and avoid side effects such as acne scars, black spots which may cause s lost in confidence.

Kediglow has technology that can specifically treat acne and redness with Kedi-BrightKedi-ExtrawhiteKedi-OxyjetAcne Away Mask and Gentle Revitalized Peel. In the cases of acne scars we offer Kedi-SmoothKedi-LuminousKedi-DiamondKedi-OxyjetGentle Revitalized Peel. Our courses and treatments removes these blemishes and you will no longer stress over acne.